Graphic (iDraw) Tutorials

Create gift tags using Graphic (iDraw)

create gift tags using Graphic iDraw

In our last post we learned how to create gift tags using Adobe Illustrator. In this post we use Autodesk graphic (iDraw) to create the tags.

Do I do it the same way as in the illustrator?

No, you have to follow a different process in Graphic. Graphic used to support plugins which could be used to add new anchor points, thus making it easier to create shapes like tags. Ever since the Mac OS got updated to 10.12, they have stopped working. This video shows you how you can create these tag shapes without using the add anchor point tool.

In this tutorial I have used the ‘Subtract’ tool. It worked well with the tag shown because the objects were white. If you are using colored objects, make sure to use the ‘Divide’ option. I will post a video on the pathfinder tools soon.

If you cannot view the above video, please check it out on my youtube channel here.

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